Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pediatricians Elude Us

Waaaahhhhh. I hate insurance. OK, not really. But I hate that I now have to change pediatricians (this is our 2nd doctor this year!) because she does not take our new insurance. Darn BAZAARVOICE! Just kidding. I love Bazaarvoice, really. Hi Bazaarvoice, hi there. ;o)

I'm so sad because I looked long and hard for this pediatrician, and I was excited to have an appointment with her this week, until finding out that she doesn't take our insurance. Now, Kameen will never get his shots! Why aren't there more good doctors out there? Boo-hooo. K, I'm done whining.

Also, as of last week, Kameen is WaLkInG. All by himself!!! He walks kind of sideways, and it's just so darn cute. His little chest and belly stick way out and he sort of does a side shuffle. I love love love watching him walk. He is sooo excited. I'm pretty sure it's what he's been waiting for since birth. THAT'S what all the crying was about?!?!?! Sheesh. :D

Now, we need shoes for him to practice in....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


That's right folks....Bazaarvoice. Let me break it down.

Bazaarvoice + 2007 & 2008 Best Places to Work in Austin + Market Development Associate + Job offer + Chris = Income = Happy Days :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ten Months....Ten Things

Kameen is 10 months today! It has gone by so fast. It's so true what they say, and I miss him being a baby already (even though he is still a baby, technically)! But I see the baby days slipping away, and I have to say I cannot relish them slowly enough. The more fun we have, the faster it goes.

These days, Kameen is doing a lot of things that are just silly and cute. On top of growing more hair, he's hamming it up for the camera more often. CHEEEESE!

10...Kameen lays down every night in his crib, without crying, and goes to sleep! WEEEEE!

9...Kameen practices his walking skills with Mom everyday (he takes steps only when Mom is right there to catch him), as she orders him to "March! March!" He loves it!

8...He now eats 3 meals a day, and has a snack in the afternoon with Mom. He's one hefty eater, and we just love watching him stuff his face. So cute.

7...Our little Curious George is in and around everything in the house. He has even started trying to climb up on the fireplace hearth. Yikes!

6...He makes a monkey sound, which he learned from Mom. It's something like, "Oooh, oooh, oooh, ahhh, ahh, ahhh."

5...Kameen says "Uh-Oh" and knows what it means. He either says the words, or he will hum it to himself.

4...He laughs and giggles like a real little kid. He gives Mom little looks all day when he knows he's not supposed to do something. She calls it his "ornery look." He raises one eyebrow and smiles slyly. Now who did he get that from?!

3...He can close doors and flush the toilet. This could get dangerous, people!

2...Kameen's got rhythm. He regularly practices headbanging (in the air mostly). He also makes drums out of anything that bangs loudly (i.e. pots and pans, tables, his highchair).

1...Kameen gives Mommy and Daddy lots of hugs and slobbery kisses. It's the best of all!