Friday, August 27, 2010


Ava is 5 months old today! She's getting to be such fun. She can roll over both ways now, although she is still sort of working on the tummy to back. She can sit up somewhat unassisted, and she laughs and giggles with a big ol' gummy grin. She's such a sweet girl! She's a good nurser, and has one more month until we try out some solids. She sleeps well. So far she is still sleeping with Mama, but she is taking naps in her crib most days. Some weeks she takes a long morning nap and one short afternoon nap, and other weeks it's the opposite. I just roll with the flow. Something I can't say I ever did with Kameen. She goes to bed pretty well at night. She is definitely our little early bird, sometimes waking us up at 6:30 or 7 (that's early around here, folks!). But, eventually we hope to get her on her brother's night schedule of sleeping until 8 or 8:30. One day at a time I guess.