Monday, September 27, 2010

Letter to My Mommy

Dear Mama,
I'm now six months old and much too sophisticated for lying around on my back. I want to MOVE! I see all the toys Brother has, and I really want to know what they taste like. I can get up on my hands and knees, but I'm not sure how to work them yet. So, I just pull as hard as I can until I get to where I want to be. I also think that it's about time for me to start putting that stuff in my mouth that you and Daddy and Kameen put in your mouths everyday. You know, when you all sit down at what you call the "table"? Afterall, I have two teeth coming in now. Also, I think it's really, really funny when I grab that long stringy stuff on your head and pull with all my might! Hahahaha! The look on your face is sooooo great! As for sleeping, the world really is too exciting for me to do that consistently, but most days my eyes get soooo heavy, and before I know it I wake up in my bed looking for you! I know I cry and fuss a lot, but it's tough being a baby. I can't move around very well, my mouth hurts, I'm hungry a lot, and I miss you when you walk away from me! But don't worry, it will get much better as I get older. You know that though. You know everything!

Love, Ava

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Organizing in Small Spaces

We have been in this house for almost 2 years, and I'm still organizing! Our latest project has been trying to find a good space for all our arts and crafts materials. You know, crayons, markers, glue, scissors, paper, etc. I knew I wanted to keep it all downstairs and somewhere near the kitchen, but WHERE? All the spacious closets are upstairs. I came up with the idea of using our 2nd pantry that we created when we redid the kitchen. It was originally the under-the-stairs coat closet, but the door was moved into the kitchen making it a nice little storage space. We now have a new coat closet. But, what to do? My thought was to hang a couple of shelves on the wall so I could store some plastic boxes on it with all the "stuff." Enter, my incredibly handy and creative husband. Here's what he made me. I LOVE it!!! And, on the opposite wall, I hung all my cleaning utensils (swiffer, broom, etc.)

Over the Moon

I was watching a commercial for a new product by Playdough....MOON DOUGH. The commercial made it look so fun, lots of shapes etc., and the best won't dry out! Great, I thought, we'll try it! The container is moon-shaped, fun enough. And, when you open it the moon dough is in a bag. First warning! So, I open the bag and the dough feels like a mixture of foam and space ice cream (you all know it and love it). Well, immediately it starts crumbling everywhere, and it flattens like a pancake when you go to pick it up. Anyway, needless to say I am so over the moon dough. Kameen likes it though, and it does make excellent pretend scoops of ice cream. But, our rule is that whatever falls on the floor, goes in the trash. This way, I know it will someday be gone completely!