Wednesday, November 3, 2010

October Recap

Well, another month has gone by, and I'm behind on my blogging. So, I just thought I'd do one October wrap.

THE BIG ZOO: Yes, folks, we finally took Kameen to the BIG zoo! It is something we had talked about and promised him since I was pregnant with Ava, last February. The whole point in waiting until the fall was two-fold. Ava would be old enough to hang out most of the day, and the weather would be nicer. Well, Ava did great! The weather, not so much. Oh, it was sunny, but it was still a little too HOT! So, we didn't see as many animals as I'd hoped but all-in-all it was a lot of fun. Kameen was thrilled to see the elephant and the hippos and the rhino. He was even more excited about have popcorn. In fact, he wouldn't even look up to see the animals because he was so distracted by popcorn. I'm glad his admission was free! Here's a few photos from our trip.

HALLOWEEN/FALL FESTIVAL: We're not that big into Halloween. We just don't really believe it's the best of holidays for kids. However, we are ok with our kids dressing up and having fun at a church related fall festival. I did make some arts and crafts things to hang around the house, and of course carved a pumpkin. Kameen chose his costume - a Mighty Elephant! Despite all of this, a few days before Halloween, we all came down with a yucky cold. So, we went ahead and took Kameen to the trunk-or-treat at our church, but he was very tired and kind of spacey. Oh well. Next year maybe we can skip this altogether! Sigh, but probably not. The kids looked super cute. At the last minute, I made Ava into a baby doll. She just wasn't feeling well enough to put a stuffy costume on.

SEVEN MONTHS: And, finally, Ava turned 7 months old. I can't believe it! I'm pretty sure she's the fastest growing kid ever! I want her to stay little because she is such a sweet, happy baby. But, alas, I suppose I can't stop time. She is a lot of fun right now. She is up, up, up on her feet and cruising. I'm amazed at her tenacity to walk like her big brother. She's even tried letting go a few times. She's crawling all over the place, which is kind of nice because I can just put her down wherever if I need to. She is not ready for solids yet. The few times we've tried we were up all night with tummy aches. So for now, we are still exclusively nursing. She takes at least one good nap a day. Since we've been sick, her nighttime sleep has been affected, but when she's well she sleeps pretty decently at night. I'm ok with her nursing at night for as long as she likes. I pretty much sleep through it. Plus, I keep shedding pounds and don't have to deal with Aunt Flow. So, as long as she keeps that away, I'm happy! She starts the night out in a pack-n-play in our room, and moves into our bed typically when we go to bed. I like sleeping with her much more than I ever did with Kameen. She's snuggly. I also realize how short this time is, and I'm cherishing it more this time around. Anyway, here's a few more shots of my angel girl.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Letter to My Mommy

Dear Mama,
I'm now six months old and much too sophisticated for lying around on my back. I want to MOVE! I see all the toys Brother has, and I really want to know what they taste like. I can get up on my hands and knees, but I'm not sure how to work them yet. So, I just pull as hard as I can until I get to where I want to be. I also think that it's about time for me to start putting that stuff in my mouth that you and Daddy and Kameen put in your mouths everyday. You know, when you all sit down at what you call the "table"? Afterall, I have two teeth coming in now. Also, I think it's really, really funny when I grab that long stringy stuff on your head and pull with all my might! Hahahaha! The look on your face is sooooo great! As for sleeping, the world really is too exciting for me to do that consistently, but most days my eyes get soooo heavy, and before I know it I wake up in my bed looking for you! I know I cry and fuss a lot, but it's tough being a baby. I can't move around very well, my mouth hurts, I'm hungry a lot, and I miss you when you walk away from me! But don't worry, it will get much better as I get older. You know that though. You know everything!

Love, Ava

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Organizing in Small Spaces

We have been in this house for almost 2 years, and I'm still organizing! Our latest project has been trying to find a good space for all our arts and crafts materials. You know, crayons, markers, glue, scissors, paper, etc. I knew I wanted to keep it all downstairs and somewhere near the kitchen, but WHERE? All the spacious closets are upstairs. I came up with the idea of using our 2nd pantry that we created when we redid the kitchen. It was originally the under-the-stairs coat closet, but the door was moved into the kitchen making it a nice little storage space. We now have a new coat closet. But, what to do? My thought was to hang a couple of shelves on the wall so I could store some plastic boxes on it with all the "stuff." Enter, my incredibly handy and creative husband. Here's what he made me. I LOVE it!!! And, on the opposite wall, I hung all my cleaning utensils (swiffer, broom, etc.)

Over the Moon

I was watching a commercial for a new product by Playdough....MOON DOUGH. The commercial made it look so fun, lots of shapes etc., and the best won't dry out! Great, I thought, we'll try it! The container is moon-shaped, fun enough. And, when you open it the moon dough is in a bag. First warning! So, I open the bag and the dough feels like a mixture of foam and space ice cream (you all know it and love it). Well, immediately it starts crumbling everywhere, and it flattens like a pancake when you go to pick it up. Anyway, needless to say I am so over the moon dough. Kameen likes it though, and it does make excellent pretend scoops of ice cream. But, our rule is that whatever falls on the floor, goes in the trash. This way, I know it will someday be gone completely!

Friday, August 27, 2010


Ava is 5 months old today! She's getting to be such fun. She can roll over both ways now, although she is still sort of working on the tummy to back. She can sit up somewhat unassisted, and she laughs and giggles with a big ol' gummy grin. She's such a sweet girl! She's a good nurser, and has one more month until we try out some solids. She sleeps well. So far she is still sleeping with Mama, but she is taking naps in her crib most days. Some weeks she takes a long morning nap and one short afternoon nap, and other weeks it's the opposite. I just roll with the flow. Something I can't say I ever did with Kameen. She goes to bed pretty well at night. She is definitely our little early bird, sometimes waking us up at 6:30 or 7 (that's early around here, folks!). But, eventually we hope to get her on her brother's night schedule of sleeping until 8 or 8:30. One day at a time I guess.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

4 Months

Yep, Mom, I'm 4 months today! Now, can you please take this thing off my head?!

Hey, this is MY photo shoot!...You are captivating though.

Angelic - My sweet girl is just that, a sweetie. She has perfect dimples and a perfect smile. She's just a happy girl, and that makes me happy too.

Vivacious - Ava is full of life. She loves to watch her brother, play in the excersaucer, roll over (back to tummy), and hang out in the Moby to observe what Mama is doing. Her eyes sparkle and light up when you talk to her, and she loves to talk back.

Accommodating - like the definition says, Ava is "easy to deal with, eager to help or please, obliging." She sleeps pretty consistently everyday, and although we still wake up a few times a night to eat, I rarely notice because she gets down to business and then goes back to sleep. And so do I! I think she's going to be my little helper.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

End of an Era

My baby is no longer a baby. In the past two months, Kameen has reached two milestones that make him an official big boy. Can you guess what they are?  (hint: those are underwear in the bottom picture)

It's a little sad, but also a lot of fun. It just means I have to keep having babies until I no longer need one. :)