Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ten Things Tuesday

Ten Things I Was Definitely Prepared for in Mommyhood

1. Diapers - honestly, I babysat A LOT from about age 10 on (thanks cousin Patty)
2. Playtime
3. Sleep deprivation - it really is true what they say; pregnancy totally prepared me for this
4. Singing songs
5. Birth - I studied constantly during my 3rd trimester; I was totally ready for a natural childbirth
6. Cuddling
7. Breastfeeding - this time I mean the act, not the time involved
8. Slobbery kisses
9. Sweet baby smell
10. Having a son - he's all boy for sure!


Over the Memorial Day weekend, we took Kameen for his first swim. He was apprehensive at first, but as soon as Mommy took him in the deeper end with her, he was lovin' it like bathtime. Here's a few pics of swimtime with Daddy. As a consequence of introducing the pool, and all the splashing to be had, he is now splashing A LOT more in the tub!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Mixed Up Etiquette

I suppose it's possible that people just really aren't sure what to say when they see a bi-racial baby. But, it does seem that people feel they need to say something. I mean, come on people, aren't there enough "mixed" people out there that it's not necessary to make it a topic of conversation? Well, Kameen is only six months old, and we've had our share already of off-hand comments. Below are real comments that I recommend not be said to the parent of a bi-racial baby.

"Is he yours?" - this comment came the first time while Kameen was in the Mobywrap and I had just proceeded to share his birth weight and current weight with the guy. Would I know that info if he weren't mine? Chris also had this same comment at the mall while I was with him! Does that make me....oh, nevermind.

"I have a mixed baby too" - ok, are you trying to connect with me? Lots of people have babies, whether mixed, unmixed, mixed 3 times, whatever. I still do not understand why I have had so many young girls come up to me and share that they too have a bi-racial baby. Uh, congratulations?

and our personal favorite around here...

"That's a really tan baby" - doh! Yes, it's the new trend in child abuse. We make him lay in a tanning bed 3-4 times per week. Come on!

Here's a couple of pics our "tan" baby to end your week on a funny note. We had just come back from a long walk at the Arboretum, and he was chewing on his shoe, when he apparently just passed out. I was so glad I had my camera!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ten Things Tuesday

I've seen some other bloggers do this kind of thing, and this idea just came to me. I want to start doing Ten Things Tuesday where I list ten things about...well, whatever inspires me that week! Feel free to join me.

Ten Things Nothing and No One Could Have Prepared Me For in Mommyhood
1. Breastfeeding - not so much the act, but the time involved
2. Colic & having a high-need baby
3. Co-napping/sleeping - now one of my favorite parts
4. Loss of all personal time, especially daytime
5. Daddy jealousy
6. My ability and desire to stare at one human being for hours on end
7. Daily self doubt - I pray a lot!
8. My interest in another person's poop schedule
9. The 4th, 5th, and 6th trimesters - no, I'm not pregnant again, I just wear a baby around most of the day and have been doing so for the past 6 months
10. Seeing everything around us as a hazard!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Two new experiences, one day

So, on Tuesday morning we finally began offering solids to Kameen. I say "offering" because as some of you may know, babies tend to spit out most of what goes in right at first. We are starting with rice cereal mixed w/ breast milk. I had contemplated starting with fruits and veggies, but at the last minute I settled on the suggested first food of cereal. He wasn't really too into the experience. He was much more interested in playing with the spoon than eating the food on it. He opened his mouth, but once the food was in you'd have thought we gave him lemon juice. It's quite funny the way he just kind of looks at us, eyebrows tilted, mouth half open, nostrils flared, like what are you giving me?! But, ever the curious fellow he is, he just continues to try to play with the spoon, half paying attention to the cereal making its way to his belly. It made me glad in a way, because his lack of interest reassures me that we did the right thing by waiting until his 6-month mark. We probably could have waited even longer, but I got the sense that he is physically ready and since we aren't offering that much food at once, it'll be a gradual process.

The second new experience was that Chris and I went to the gym...together. Meaning, Kameen had to go to the Kids' Club. Meaning, we left him for an entire hour with strangers for the first time. This was something that I was very apprehensive about. What if he screams and cries? What if they won't comfort him? WELL. It went something like this. We take Kameen into the room, tell the lady there his general likes and dislikes, put him in the nearest exersaucer, and away we went. 5 minutes pass, we peek in, still playing in the exersaucer. 20 minutes pass, still playing, 35 minutes, still playing. When I picked him up at the hour mark, he sat serenely in the lap of one of the workers in a rocker, eating a toy. In fact, when I walked in the room, he didn't even smile at me! :( Sad mommy heart. Sad, sad, sad. Oh well, I'm just glad he was good and we made it through the hour. This means mommy and daddy can have workout time together again! Yaay! Happy wife heart. Happy, happy, happy. :)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mayday! Parental Abuse!!!

Yes, my son is abusing me. It started off rather sweet really. He began discovering faces and hair at about 4 months old. He would give me kisses by sucking on my face and pulling me towards him by gently grabbing my hair. Ok, not so bad. Then, he started grabbing and squeezing my arm - the fat on my arm that is - while nursing. Uh....ouch! Now, he reaches up while nursing and grabs my nose, pokes me in the eye, grabs my lips, whacks my forehead. People, we are not talking about a sweet little tug on my precious facial features - this boy squeezes, clinches rather, my face, and it hurts! And, he still "kisses" me. But now, he grabs my hair and holds on for dear life, bites my face (since he's got those 2 little teeth mostly in now), and laughs in delight when I can't get his little fist unclenched.

Don't get me wrong, I believe he has good intentions. It's endearing because I'm pretty sure it's his way of making sure I'm still there (since he seems to need to feel my face when he's trying to go to sleep). But come on! He's like baby Hercules. Hercules, Hercules. Ok. This too shall pass, and I'm sure I'll look back and think how cute it was....ahhhhh, motherhood.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A day in the life

Nowadays our once colicky son has become a very happy, funny, playful little baby. He's cranky mostly when a.) he's hungry (as always) b.) his teeth are hurting or c.) he's sleepy (even though he would tell you he isn't). We have somewhat of a schedule, and I try to stick to it to maintain the routine for him. He wakes up for the day between 8:30 and 9. Then, he plays in his exersaucer while Mommy has breakfast. By the time she's done with her tea (herbal of course), he is somewhat cranky. Into the Mobywrap he goes, and he helps Mommy with morning chores for about an hour. Then, he's hungry and sleepy and usually goes down for a nap (on Mommy and Daddy's bed) for about an hour.

When he wakes, he gets a diaper change and puts on clothes for the day. We delay getting dressed because he soaks his clothes so quickly. Then, he usually plays in the pack-n-play while Mommy gets ready for afternoon errands. If there are no errands to run, he plays until he's bored and then usually it's back in the Mobywrap for more chores until his afternoon nap (which is only about 2 hours after he wakes up from the morning one). His afternoon nap is much like the morning one only longer.

After this, we usually either go for a walk or he plays on the porch with Daddy while Mommy cooks dinner. Once we have eaten dinner, he is usually ready for his bath - between 7:30 and 8. Daddy typically baths him, gives him a little massage with his lotion, and puts on his nightclothes. By this time he knows it's about bedtime, and he is usually fussy. Mommy takes him into her room for storytime - his favorite right now is Kiss Goodnight - and final nursing. He falls asleep nursing and Mommy lays him in his crib for the night. He usually sleeps until between 3 and 5am when he wakes to eat, at which point he comes in bed with Mommy and Daddy.

It's a tough life, but somebody has to live it!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Sigh...where does the time go? Isn't that the old adage? It is amazing how when life is less than satisfying, times crawls like nylon pantyhose, annoying and uncomfortable. Yet, once we have arrived at a place where life invigorates our very being, it becomes fleeting and time flows past us like water.

We have had a wonderful 2 weeks. And, rather than ramble on with words, I'm going to make this a collage of photos instead. Savor the moments. :)

Photo-op with Uncle Malcolm.

Good times with aunties, cousins, and great granny

Kameen was soooo tired. Look at the bags under his eyes!