Thursday, May 15, 2008

Two new experiences, one day

So, on Tuesday morning we finally began offering solids to Kameen. I say "offering" because as some of you may know, babies tend to spit out most of what goes in right at first. We are starting with rice cereal mixed w/ breast milk. I had contemplated starting with fruits and veggies, but at the last minute I settled on the suggested first food of cereal. He wasn't really too into the experience. He was much more interested in playing with the spoon than eating the food on it. He opened his mouth, but once the food was in you'd have thought we gave him lemon juice. It's quite funny the way he just kind of looks at us, eyebrows tilted, mouth half open, nostrils flared, like what are you giving me?! But, ever the curious fellow he is, he just continues to try to play with the spoon, half paying attention to the cereal making its way to his belly. It made me glad in a way, because his lack of interest reassures me that we did the right thing by waiting until his 6-month mark. We probably could have waited even longer, but I got the sense that he is physically ready and since we aren't offering that much food at once, it'll be a gradual process.

The second new experience was that Chris and I went to the gym...together. Meaning, Kameen had to go to the Kids' Club. Meaning, we left him for an entire hour with strangers for the first time. This was something that I was very apprehensive about. What if he screams and cries? What if they won't comfort him? WELL. It went something like this. We take Kameen into the room, tell the lady there his general likes and dislikes, put him in the nearest exersaucer, and away we went. 5 minutes pass, we peek in, still playing in the exersaucer. 20 minutes pass, still playing, 35 minutes, still playing. When I picked him up at the hour mark, he sat serenely in the lap of one of the workers in a rocker, eating a toy. In fact, when I walked in the room, he didn't even smile at me! :( Sad mommy heart. Sad, sad, sad. Oh well, I'm just glad he was good and we made it through the hour. This means mommy and daddy can have workout time together again! Yaay! Happy wife heart. Happy, happy, happy. :)


Anonymous said...

I am so HAPPY for all of your accomplishments!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Just a suggestion from an "old" mom.....don't know if you have introduced juices to Kameen yet but I would put just a dab of juice in the cereal to give it some flavor and my kids liked the creal much better that way. Have you tasted that suff Lori? When I did start introducing juices I always diluted them....saves money that way too.

Unknown said...

Willa likes the organic Earth's Best whole grain cereal. I think it tastes pretty good all by itself. . .
Now that it's getting hot she's really into homemade apple juice popsicles--okay, they're mostly water, but she doesn't know that!!