Sunday, July 27, 2008


Something happens to a woman when she becomes a new mom, I've discovered on my recent journey. God designed it so that all her attention, every waking moment of it (for the most part), turns to the new bundle. It is His way of making sure the child is properly cared for. And then, when it is time, her brain slowly makes its way out of new baby fog. For some women this only takes a few weeks, for others a few months. It has taken me 8 months. My doula told me that it took her 6 months to "feel normal again." Physically I have felt normal for about 3 months; my body has healed completely from giving birth (also part of the process that takes each woman her own time). But emotionally and mentally I have still been in postpartum; the wonderful honeymoon phase of having a new baby. Until now.

Suddenly, in the past few weeks, I have finally felt a new level of comfort with him. I feel confident when he's in the care of others for the most part (his Great Aunt Jo deserves an award for being the first to keep him for an extended period of time (5 hours!) wherein he had a meltdown for mommy). I'm okay with him fussing and crying a bit, and feel I really know what he needs in those times. He's mobile and becoming somewhat more independent, and so I can go around the house while he plays and do things that before could only be done while wearing him in the Moby. Also, the breastfeeding relationship continues to change as he's taking more solids now. So, perhaps all those things have allowed me to finally look up and remember that I used to be my own person! It's exciting to finally feel like my life can resume, with Kameen in tow, of course.

We've done a lot in the past couple of months, including Kameen's first airplane ride to visit his Uncle Malcolm in Washington DC. He did really well, despite being very sleep deprived. Here are some fun photos to start the week.

I had lots of fun at Cousin Patty's pool, especially since Mom bought me my very own floating crab. I kick my feet like crazy.

We went to the zoo for Cousin Aiden's birthday party...although I took a nap in the Moby while everyone looked at the animals and then in the stroller during the singing and cake. Maybe next year I can have some cake too!

I love my toys and avocado!

Uncle Jamille was lots of fun when we got off the plane. So was being carried around the Capitol Building in the Moby. I screamed once, and Mom says I scared House Speaker Pelosi who was walking by at that moment.

We went to a big building and saw lots of flying things Mom and Dad called airplanes. Right after this photo, I passed out. I was soooo tired, but still smiling. That's all folks!


Sara said...

I love the update and the new pics of Kameen - so cute! He's looking more toddler-ish now and less baby-ish. I like what you said about how long it takes to recover emotionally/mentally. It's easy to forget that part of it. I'm glad you're feeling more like your own person again.

Anonymous said...

Aren't they getting big?? Willa just got back from the Frio River. She was awesome! Swam for hours, but didn't really like being in her float--she wanted to be FREE!! We can't wait to have the next one!