Sunday, July 6, 2008

Rough Road

Sorry for the long hiatus. Once the crawling milestone was being reached, the nightwaking started up again, leaving me very little time to blog or even shower for that matter. :) It seems we may be on the road to sleeping through the night once again.

We had a very busy June, including my youngest nephew's birthday, hubby's birthday, and an unexpected trip to East Texas after the passing of one of Chris's aunts. Kameen of course was the center of attention for much of the 2 trips we took. He's so much fun, I can't even put it into words. I will post pictures very soon, and still really need to figure out the video feature on this thing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor baby! (Or babIES--all three of you!) What is the deal with the bad nights?! Crawling makes me crazy! I worry constantly for Willa's safety. Luckily, the living room that my sister-in-law said belongs in a frat house is really coming in handy--miles and miles of carpet with all the furniture pushed against the walls!