Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Taking the Long Way

Well, I never seem to do it like anybody else
Maybe someday, someday I'm gonna settle down
If you ever want to find me I can still be found

Taking the long way
Taking the long way around

-song and lyrics by The Dixie Chicks

I have to admit, I often do things the "hard way"...or what others would consider the hard way. Why? Well, because I'm a little old fashioned, and modern conveniences can often complicate our lives more than we like to admit (think pitocin = more pain = epidural = failure to progress = cesarean....hmmm, how was that an easier birth?). So, in my mind, what others consider the hard way (midwives, cloth diapers, exclusive breastfeeding, homemade baby food, etc.), I consider to be the natural way, a simpler way.

I am delighted to see so many other mamas doing the same, and taking "the long way." There is something to be said for the way things were once done, before daycare, before supermom, before...dare I say?...feminism. Now, I know I'll catch some flack for saying such "outlandish" things, and I'll admit, I like being able to select a female doctor, but there's a reason God created TWO parents. And it wasn't so they could both work outside the home and send their children off to a building all day for someone else, who probably has children to take care of but has to work, to take care of their children. It's a vicious cycle.

That being said, things are as they are. Our society perpetuates consumerism, and we like it. So, we work, all of us. But, I'm glad to see that many companies are coming around to things like telecommuting and job sharing, etc. This is one way that our modern "conveniences" like the internet and cell phones come in real handy. So, I'm all for us using these "conveniences" to get back to a simpler way of life, where Mama takes care of children and the home, and Daddy takes care of Mama. Even if that means Mama works at home from 9 pm-midnight to earn some income. :)

Let the criticism begin...


Sara said...

Just a thought, back in the day, in "simpler" times, there was still working moms. But they probably had extended family or bigger family units to help with child care where as now we are more spread out with smaller nuclear families meaning the support for helping to take care of the kids doesn't always come from family anymore, thus daycare.

Unknown said...

Wow are you condescending! And entitled! And a little bit obnoxious! I like it! Besides--I guess your personal blog is the place to *be* the aforementioned, right?

I, for one, desperately wish I didn't have to work at all so I could spend all my time with Willa (and the unnamed one we are working on!!). Luckily, I only work three days a week, during which time the babe stays with my husband and/or my parents. I HATE daycare!!! How's THAT for obnoxious??

Lori said...

Sara, your thoughts are great. I agree with you that when family could take care of family things were simpler, even if Mom had to work. It is unfortunate that our society has dispersed family so much that we have to resort to buildings and strangers to care for our children.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Lori.....I believe life was more simple "back then" and there is something to be said for those moms who still choose to do things "the ole fashioned way"(or healthier....whatever you wish to call it)I am pleased to see young moms today put so much into the raising of their children.
I believe that the stay at home mom is a CHOICE and you make the sacrifices to have that luxury. It just may mean the mom who once worked outside the home makes the choice to not work and maybe live on a very restricted budget to afford the luxury to be that Mom you desire.
whichever way you go know that even though our family also spread apart is always close at heart and just a phone call away!