Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cake and Turkey and Pie, Oh My!

Kameen's birthday, which was November 18 was a fantastic day. I reminisced about the days leading up to his birth, the labor, the moments right before his birth. It was a defining moment in my life, and will always be a special day to me, Chris, and of course, Kameen.

His birthday party was a lot of fun. My sister, brother-in-law, and nephews came down, which was a nice treat. Kameen became a toddler that day! He couldn't have cared less where I was in the room because he was having so much fun with the other kids. Sad mommy heart. I had a great time making and decorating Kameen's blocks-and-legos cake. It was pretty delicious too! Just ask Kameen, who devoured his little cake.

Then, we had Thanksgiving in Virginia with Uncle Malcolm, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Jamille, Aunt Tonya, Aunt Kim, and Cousins D and Kelsey. Oh the fun to be had on the staircase in Uncle Malcolm's house! It was a great trip, with lots of turkey and shopping.


Anonymous said...

Hi ya'll! Gorgeous photos, little Isaac is getting so grown up now! I really miss all of you. Thanks for linking to my blog. I added yours to my blogroll. I'll pop in often. I hope you have a super Merry Christmas!

Sara said...

I'm still so sad we missed Kameen's party - it looks like everyone had a really good time. Your cake looks fantastic! We'll have to get together soon after the holidays!