Sunday, January 18, 2009

14 months..going on 2

Could it be? Are you really 14 months? Most people say you look more like an 18-month old. You often think you're much older. I can tell you'd like to do all the things 2 and 3 year olds can do. You try...boy do you try. You are climbing, climbing, climbing these days. Up and OVER the couch. You even thought to make a step stool out of mommy's plastic drawer in the bathroom. Boy did you have fun grabbing everything you could off the countertop! I just know I'll come in one day and you'll be on top of the refridgerator! You already climbed into the bathroom cabinet, where I found you crouching like a cat. I laughed and laughed that you could manage to get into such a small space.

And, then, you're words are beginning to come more easily now. You are working so hard to communicate, and I know you get really frustrated at times. But, it will come, and you'll have lots to say and ask, I just know it! Mommy and Daddy can't wait to hear what you'll say next. You also love your books. You read and read to yourself. And doggies! You love to bark like a doggy. :)

We'll be moving soon. And, I can't wait to show you your new room and all the new space you'll have to play in. Mommy plans to create a special play area just for you. I hope you really like it. Once this move is done, we'll have much more time to go to the park and go on outings with your friends. I know how much you love to be outside!

Oh yes, and for your 14-month mark, Daddy decided to give you your first haircut....Mommy cried when she found out! But you're as handsome as ever! Love you sweet boy.

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