Thursday, July 16, 2009

June to Today

It's been awhile since posting here. I always tell myself I'll do better, but then get caught up and fail to do so. June was a busy month for us as we were renovating our kitchen. We painted, we assembled, we installed, we nailed, we drilled, we installed some more, and finally we looked at what we had done and said "It is good!" Kameen was a big helper as usual. He helped so much, we bought him his own set of tools so he could "fix" things whenever he wanted to! He is still the handiest man in the house to date.

We also went to visit Cousin Aiden for his birthday. Here we discovered that Cousins Andy and Aiden had way cooler tools than what we had, so we stole them! The party was a blast, lots of water and sun and ice cream! YUM! Kameen was pooped and slept a lot when we came back home. Always a good thing for Mama.

Kameen has also branched out in his artistic ventures. He now enjoys Play-Doh, as well as his crayons and stamps. He has an interesting self expression that we are thinking will someday land him a spot in the Guggenheim.

Lastly, we recently visited our family in East Texas for a reunion. It was HOT, HOT, HOT. On top of that, Kameen and I were both sick with sinus infections and an ear infection. The sleeping situation went from bad to worse, when Kameen came into bed with us one morning. It was functional until he rolled over. Then, Mama took her spot on the floor. All-in-all it was a great weekend. We got lots of visits from Aunties and Great Grandma, who just love to come see Kameen when he's in town. He was a little crabby with them, preferring Mama, but he eventually warmed up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All those tools are makin' me nervous! Willa stabbed me in the eye with a butter knife I neglected to hide this weekend, so everything looks like a weapon now! Kameen is ADORABLE!