Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas and New Year's Wrap-Up

After arriving in East Texas, we went to visit with lots of family.  Kameen was not very friendly with the extended family.  I think it was a combination of lack of sleep and being ready to go home (which he told us he wanted to do everyday of the trip).  We spent 3 days in East Texas and headed home on New Year's Day.  There is little to tell about our New Year's Eve "Bash."  It was really more like a New Year's Eve "Crash," as we were asleep pretty much right at midnight.  Oh well, there is always next year. I fell off in my picture taking due to a combination of   a.) exhaustion from a week of travel   b.) having to scavenge for food just to get enough calories (which, according to my latest pee test, I did a very poor job of)   c.) having a clingy 2-year-old.

Having not one, but TWO, bowls of ice cream with his cousins

Trying to escape the arms of his very sweet and loving Great Granny.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I wish I had the same problem with trying to get enough calories - I would give you my extras if I could! You guys are troopers with all your traveling! Glad you guys are back and everything went well. Hope you're getting some rest!