Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The First Two Months

The first one taught me how to be a mama. The second one is showing me how much I love it...

Ava is a happy girl. She loves to talk, and talks so much more than her brother. She smiles, she has a drama cry, she sleeps much, much better than big brother. The first two months with her have gone so fast. I am better this time. I don't take her cries so personally. I know what she needs faster than I did the first time. I know when to let her cry and when to make it better. I love having two!

Kameen is a great big brother. He loves his Baby Sister, and wants to hold her often. I am probably a little too over protective because he is pretty careless around her, with his busy arms, legs, and feet that could cause her harm. But, overall, he is a proud big brother.

Daddy is doing better this time around. We are getting things together faster than we did the first time. We are staying closer than we did the first time. And, I am more laid back so we aren't arguing like we did the first time.

God is so good, and we are so blessed.

I often (sometimes daily) remind myself of some very wise words that Chris's grandma told me with Kameen, and it is very true.

It's gonna get better. It's gonna get better and better.

Thanks Grandma Dot. That's the best piece of advice I've ever been given.

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