Tuesday, July 27, 2010

4 Months

Yep, Mom, I'm 4 months today! Now, can you please take this thing off my head?!

Hey, this is MY photo shoot!...You are captivating though.

Angelic - My sweet girl is just that, a sweetie. She has perfect dimples and a perfect smile. She's just a happy girl, and that makes me happy too.

Vivacious - Ava is full of life. She loves to watch her brother, play in the excersaucer, roll over (back to tummy), and hang out in the Moby to observe what Mama is doing. Her eyes sparkle and light up when you talk to her, and she loves to talk back.

Accommodating - like the definition says, Ava is "easy to deal with, eager to help or please, obliging." She sleeps pretty consistently everyday, and although we still wake up a few times a night to eat, I rarely notice because she gets down to business and then goes back to sleep. And so do I! I think she's going to be my little helper.

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