Friday, March 14, 2008

An Amazing Birth

It was Friday morning (11/16) when I went in to see the midwife at the Austin Area Birthing Center. My Wednesday (11/14) due date had come and gone to no avail. I had been madly cooking and freezing food for 2 weeks, and was running out of recipes. Because my blood pressure remained just high enough to alarm the midwife, she ordered me to go out and rent a breast pump to get my labor going. I was fine with a natural induction because by this point I felt like a football player who had watched all the film he could and was anxiously waiting for the coach to put him in the game. I had packed on 50 lbs., and everything in my body ached.

After 1 hour of nipple stimulation, I started having contractions. It was very exciting. I just knew we would be holding our son late Friday night or Saturday morning. So, I continued my nesting chores, excited by each contraction. Friday night came and went, as did all day Saturday. The contractions stayed, but they did not progress. By Saturday night the contractions were stronger, and when I spoke with my doula she was almost sure she'd be at our house before the night was over.

Sunday morning...all night contractions...heating pad and Bradley breathing...exhausted. Call doula...she suggests I call the midwife at the birthing center. FINALLY, I am given the go ahead to do something! The midwife tells me to meet her at the birthing center at 10am. Chris goes out for a breakfast taco (he has slept almost the whole night). When the midwife checks me, I am 4-5 cm dilated. So, we stay. Now, I know we will be holding our son by day's end. My doula arrives and keeps me company while Chris goes back to the house to gather our things. It was not exactly the rush to the hospital scene they show in the movies.

After a couple of doses of herbal potion to bring my contractions closer together, the midwife checks me again. 7 cm! I am in transition. My doula runs water in the birthing tub. As I get up, my water breaks. It's very warm and strangely soothing as it runs out of me. I get into the tub, and it feels wonderful! Chris cannot leave my side. He puts his cheek on mine through each contraction. He walks away for a moment, and a contraction comes...I feel lost and alone. He rushes back over and doesn't leave me again. I am leaned over the tub squatting on my knees. Finally, my body just starts to push. When the midwife checks, I'm not quite there, but I still push because it feels good. I push in the tub for awhile.

We move to the birthing stool. The baby's heartbeat drops drastically; I'm quickly moved to the bed. I am told to breath because the baby's heartrate keeps dropping very low. Chris hovers an oxygen mask over my face. "Breath, Lori. Breath for your baby!" Everyone keeps encouraging me. With every push I feel the midwife stretching me, wider and wider. She is not happy with my progress, so they make me go to the shower for squatting. I squat all the way down to the floor. I have to stay there. It seems like forever, and I am so tired. I keep my eyes closed most of the time, but all the encouragement keeps me going. "Push your baby out, Lori!" "Breath!" I make good progress, and they move me back to the bed for the final pushing. It seems like forever. I am given a ski rope to pull during each contraction. It is so hard. I am so tired. Finally, I hear everyone say they see hair. I reach down and feel the top of his head. It is warm and wet. Then, his ear! Moments later, he is out. 9 hours since we had arrived at the birthing center. 2 hours of pushing....I am exhausted...and so energized all at the same time. Chris is in tears. He kisses me, and we both kiss our son.

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