Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Family of My Own

It was one year ago this week that I shared the news with Chris (my husband) that our happy hour rendezvous had finally been successful in getting me pregnant. Yes, when Chris walked in the house after being at a SXSW party for the 4th night in a row and saw my nifty display in the doorway (picture a plate on a stool with pink and blue icing that said "Love You Daddy" and my positive pee stick neatly balanced on the edge of the plate) he could not have been more thrilled. Of course, my wishful thinking led me to use a bit more of the pink icing than the blue as frilly dresses and soft curls danced in my head. I just knew we'd have a girl! Afterall, it is the current trend in Chris's family, and my sister had already given us two nephews. Certainly we would be having a girl. All this before I'd even seen the little blob on the sonogram monitor.

All my life I've waited to be a mommy. I know most little girls dream of their wedding day and their prince charming, and I suppose I knew that had to come first. But, I wanted babies. I LOVED raising my babydolls. I was an excellent mommy to them (ask them if you don't believe me). Who cares how they got here or who the father was? All that mattered was that I had someone to take care of...a little someone. Don't get me wrong, once I got older and boys became an all important part of life, I forgot all about being a mommy. In fact, I tried hard not to become one too soon! (Yes, I made some mistakes in my teen years, go figure).

So, when I found out I was pregnant, I was determined to make it the pregnancy I always dreamed of. No one would take this first pregnancy experience away from me. I got downright mean about it. I was a very pushy pregnant lady. I went to work late and left early (for the record, I did not claim more hours than I worked), I slept A LOT, and I yelled at a doorman in New York (I'll talk more about that later).

Once we found out it was a boy, and the idea of having a son slowly sank in, I got very excited and really started connecting with my growing belly as such. And when he arrived, my joy could not have been more complete! He's rounding the corner to his 4th month next week, and he is a delight of all delights. I should definitely create a dessert in his honor because he's the sweetest thing in my world. So, come share in my experiences as a mommy to this little gem, Isaac Kameen.

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