Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Poetry Jam - My Turn

I was reading the latest post from Megan over at SortaCrunchy, and she's hosting a little poetry jam in honor of National Poetry Month.

This poem is one that stuck with me while I was making the decision to leave my OB at 34 weeks and choose an all natural birth at the birthing center. It also rang in my head when I chose to cloth diaper and as I continue to choose AP. Anyway, it's one I learned my junior year in English (high school), and I love its rhythm.

It Couldn't Be Done by Edgar Guest

Somebody said it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't," but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.

Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one ever has done it";
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done," and you'll do it.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

To be a mommy

Nuture (from
  1. To nourish; feed
  2. To educate; train
  3. To help grow or develop; cultivate
Of all the things mommyhood means to me thus far, being a nurturer is the one that stands out the most.

We, as women, can solely grow our children in our womb, helping develop their very being. We are cultivators.

And when they are born, we can feed them, naturally with the milk our very own bodies make. We are the embodiment of nourishment.

At every turn, we have the opportunity to train and educate our children. We are teachers.

This picture of Kameen in the Mobywrap symbolizes all the aspects of the definition of nuture. When he is in it he can nurse, to nourish his body; he can observe all that I am doing, therefore educating himself about the world around him; and he can grow in a safe environment just as he did for 9 months inside my belly. This is what mommyhood means to me.

This post is being entered into the 5minutesformom Mother's Day giveaway.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Finding my groove (a small mission statement)

I started this blog to keep up with all the little, and big, things Kameen is doing, and to tell about all the ways he lights up my world. I also started it to get myself writing regularly again. It has worked, and in the course of searching out other blogs and websites based on my beliefs on natural childbirth and my practice of attachment parenting (which is really just intuitive parenting), I have realized that I do indeed have a voice and a passion that I must make known.

However, I do not just want to regurgitate what other self-proclaimed crunchy domestic diva moms are saying (and what they are saying is wonderful and valid). So, I will try to keep it interesting. And, in doing so, I may actually take a more opinionated approach to my soapbox posts. This is, for those who know me well, my personality after all. I have been labeled a loud-mouth and bossy boots for as long as I can remember. And, rather than let it be a scarlet letter, I would like to make it a shining characteristic and the thing that drives me to make changes in this world. So, if what I say offends anyone or conflicts with your line of thinking, I am more than willing to have a healthy debate. However, I am not here to please everyone but rather to find my groove and use it to boogie on down the road of life.

And of course, I'll continue to make plenty of fun, funny posts about Kameen - my silly, gigglebox, pumpkin, sweet pea, love bug, blessing of a son. :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


At first, you suckle quickly, voraciously.
I stare endlessly.
Then, warm milk comes generously.

The dim light caresses your face, silhouetting your profile as you take long drawing sucks, swallowing, swallowing, swallowing.

Our eyes grow heavy.
Your curious hand reaches tenderly, grasping my nose, my lips,
patting my chest.
Your busy body slows as sleep overtakes you.

Your tongue flutters. You are pulled deeper into dreamland.
My heartbeat is familiar, my breathing soothes you,
my smell comforts you.

It is your favorite place. Mine too.
You are perfectly nourished, perfectly satisfied, perfectly growing.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

What happened to my brain...and my hair?!

Pregnancy and mommyhood has siphoned my brain power and stolen my hair. Oh, I'm still a very intelligent woman with plenty of strands left, don't get me wrong. But now, I'm so spacey! I have conversations with people and have 48,000 things going through my head so that I forget to say what I meant to say or even respond for that matter! It's an awful feeling to later in the day, usually right before I fall asleep, think of how I didn't respond or say something or do something that I meant to for someone.

And, would someone please warn all pregnant women of the incredible hair loss they will experience about 3-4 months postpartum. I feel like I should get up every morning and vacuum my bed! And, poor Kameen and Chris, they walk (or roll, depending on who we're talking about) around with red hair stuck in odd places (I'll leave that one to the imagination). :)

It's getting a bit better it seems. I can now hold a conversation without feeling completely drained afterward. I can also pay attention to things other than when was the last time Kameen pooped or nursed. But still, I feel that my IQ is slightly lower and my once gorgeous hair thinner now that I'm a mommy. What's going to become of me when the next child arrives? I'm not sure I have enough hair for the number of kids we plan to have. It's a cruel, cruel world.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mr. Toofy

That's right folks. At almost exactly 5 months, Kameen's first tooth began to make its appearance. We are so proud of him for growing a tooth! It was Thursday morning (4/17), the day before his 5-month mark, and I noticed a bit of red on his lip. I looked to see if his lip was bleeding, perhaps from a toy? Lo and behold I see the tiny slit where the tooth had begun to erupt. By the next morning I could actually feel the tooth itself! Now, we can see the tooth. So, here is a picture of the toofy discovery. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Go Baby

Kameen is definitely a go baby. This is ok, except for the fact that we don't always have somewhere to GO! He seems so much happier on the days I take him out of the house. Like yesterday for example. He fussed and fussed, so I tried to put him down for a nap. He took two 30 minute naps, and was still fussing! So, I decided to go for a run because it's the best I know to do when he's been up all day and cranky. Well, he was great in his stroller, which he usually is. Then, once I got home I stayed out in the driveway and did some squats because he was still happy, and I wanted to take advantage of it. As soon as I brought him back in the house, he immediately started fussing. I still wanted to do some ab work, so I got the pack-n-play and put it out on the porch. I stripped him down to his diaper and put him in thinking it wouldn't last long. Well, to my surprise he played there for nearly and hour and a half! Long enough for me to do some abs, fold laundry, and cook dinner. It was amazing! Now, I'm determined to have more regular outings with him, even if we just go sit at the park. It's obvious that he's happier when we don't stay home all the time. I'm a home body, so it's hard for me to get on the go train. But if it makes him happier I'm all for it.

Here's my busy bee at the park one Sunday for a picnic.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Toes and Rolls

Ok, it's been a couple of weeks, but he has been rolling over like crazy and playing with his feet. It's all just too cute! Of course, now he doesn't want to take naps in the daytime for fear he might miss something...

My baby is solid...without solids!

I find it amazing that even though Kameen is quite healthy (18 lbs. 10 oz. and 27 inches long at his 4-month check) as an exclusively breastfed baby, our doctor still recommended we start him on cereal. Now, this was said rather nonchalantly when I inquired about solids. I thought the pediatrician/parent relationship was supposed to be customized for your child, but apparently this is not the case with our doctor. Not only did she look at her watch during our appointment, she recommended letting Kameen cry-it-out without inquiring about his normal routine or behavior; she called him manipulative, and she passively said we could go ahead and give him cereal. I was quite appalled!

Here's our chunky monkey at 4 1/2 months in his new highchair. :)

So, I've ignored everything she said because I know better (see the following websites for more info), and we will be waiting to start solids until he's 6-months. Of course it does depend on his development, if it's sooner, then it's sooner. I have to admit that I went ahead and bought some cereal in preparation for the big event and a little out of almost giving in, but I have since regrouped and chosen to stay the course. Regardless, I question whether we will return to our pediatrician. I'm probably going to seek out one that pays a bit more attention to my baby as an individual and not as another number.