Thursday, May 8, 2008

A day in the life

Nowadays our once colicky son has become a very happy, funny, playful little baby. He's cranky mostly when a.) he's hungry (as always) b.) his teeth are hurting or c.) he's sleepy (even though he would tell you he isn't). We have somewhat of a schedule, and I try to stick to it to maintain the routine for him. He wakes up for the day between 8:30 and 9. Then, he plays in his exersaucer while Mommy has breakfast. By the time she's done with her tea (herbal of course), he is somewhat cranky. Into the Mobywrap he goes, and he helps Mommy with morning chores for about an hour. Then, he's hungry and sleepy and usually goes down for a nap (on Mommy and Daddy's bed) for about an hour.

When he wakes, he gets a diaper change and puts on clothes for the day. We delay getting dressed because he soaks his clothes so quickly. Then, he usually plays in the pack-n-play while Mommy gets ready for afternoon errands. If there are no errands to run, he plays until he's bored and then usually it's back in the Mobywrap for more chores until his afternoon nap (which is only about 2 hours after he wakes up from the morning one). His afternoon nap is much like the morning one only longer.

After this, we usually either go for a walk or he plays on the porch with Daddy while Mommy cooks dinner. Once we have eaten dinner, he is usually ready for his bath - between 7:30 and 8. Daddy typically baths him, gives him a little massage with his lotion, and puts on his nightclothes. By this time he knows it's about bedtime, and he is usually fussy. Mommy takes him into her room for storytime - his favorite right now is Kiss Goodnight - and final nursing. He falls asleep nursing and Mommy lays him in his crib for the night. He usually sleeps until between 3 and 5am when he wakes to eat, at which point he comes in bed with Mommy and Daddy.

It's a tough life, but somebody has to live it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a life! I liked reading your post and seeing what a baby's schedule is like. Something to work towards. Routines are good for baby and mommy.