Friday, May 9, 2008

Mayday! Parental Abuse!!!

Yes, my son is abusing me. It started off rather sweet really. He began discovering faces and hair at about 4 months old. He would give me kisses by sucking on my face and pulling me towards him by gently grabbing my hair. Ok, not so bad. Then, he started grabbing and squeezing my arm - the fat on my arm that is - while nursing. Uh....ouch! Now, he reaches up while nursing and grabs my nose, pokes me in the eye, grabs my lips, whacks my forehead. People, we are not talking about a sweet little tug on my precious facial features - this boy squeezes, clinches rather, my face, and it hurts! And, he still "kisses" me. But now, he grabs my hair and holds on for dear life, bites my face (since he's got those 2 little teeth mostly in now), and laughs in delight when I can't get his little fist unclenched.

Don't get me wrong, I believe he has good intentions. It's endearing because I'm pretty sure it's his way of making sure I'm still there (since he seems to need to feel my face when he's trying to go to sleep). But come on! He's like baby Hercules. Hercules, Hercules. Ok. This too shall pass, and I'm sure I'll look back and think how cute it was....ahhhhh, motherhood.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Willa likes to slap-a-mama, too. And she likes to BITE hard when she's nursing then laugh and laugh when I hiss and try to detach her. Thank the good lord she doesn't have any teeth yet!!