Friday, May 23, 2008

Mixed Up Etiquette

I suppose it's possible that people just really aren't sure what to say when they see a bi-racial baby. But, it does seem that people feel they need to say something. I mean, come on people, aren't there enough "mixed" people out there that it's not necessary to make it a topic of conversation? Well, Kameen is only six months old, and we've had our share already of off-hand comments. Below are real comments that I recommend not be said to the parent of a bi-racial baby.

"Is he yours?" - this comment came the first time while Kameen was in the Mobywrap and I had just proceeded to share his birth weight and current weight with the guy. Would I know that info if he weren't mine? Chris also had this same comment at the mall while I was with him! Does that make me....oh, nevermind.

"I have a mixed baby too" - ok, are you trying to connect with me? Lots of people have babies, whether mixed, unmixed, mixed 3 times, whatever. I still do not understand why I have had so many young girls come up to me and share that they too have a bi-racial baby. Uh, congratulations?

and our personal favorite around here...

"That's a really tan baby" - doh! Yes, it's the new trend in child abuse. We make him lay in a tanning bed 3-4 times per week. Come on!

Here's a couple of pics our "tan" baby to end your week on a funny note. We had just come back from a long walk at the Arboretum, and he was chewing on his shoe, when he apparently just passed out. I was so glad I had my camera!


Anonymous said...

The pictures are priceless! It's a great thing you had your camera!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Okay, those pictures are darling. So sweet! He was tuckered out.

You know, it's really incredible the things people say. I think a lot of people just have removed the filter between what they say in their head and what comes out of their mouth. UGH. Why? Anyway, it's good to kind of laugh about it, I guess . . .

Unknown said...

I can't say anything--I say the stupidest things when I'm nervous or when I'm trying to let people know that I'm not "judging" them. That is what is so sad about those comments! People feel the need to let you know that they are not "judging" you. But, of course, there's nothing to judge! Did that make sense?