Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ten Things Tuesday

I've seen some other bloggers do this kind of thing, and this idea just came to me. I want to start doing Ten Things Tuesday where I list ten things about...well, whatever inspires me that week! Feel free to join me.

Ten Things Nothing and No One Could Have Prepared Me For in Mommyhood
1. Breastfeeding - not so much the act, but the time involved
2. Colic & having a high-need baby
3. Co-napping/sleeping - now one of my favorite parts
4. Loss of all personal time, especially daytime
5. Daddy jealousy
6. My ability and desire to stare at one human being for hours on end
7. Daily self doubt - I pray a lot!
8. My interest in another person's poop schedule
9. The 4th, 5th, and 6th trimesters - no, I'm not pregnant again, I just wear a baby around most of the day and have been doing so for the past 6 months
10. Seeing everything around us as a hazard!


Unknown said...

AH! I see everything as a hazard, too! Who knew carpet or a tree could be so frightening??

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

And just you wait until full mobility kicks in - things you never THOUGHT could be a hazard become life-threatening. It gets interesting.

Anonymous said...

I'm so there with you on numbers 4,6, 8, and definitely, especially number 7. I like this Ten Things Tuesday but since it's Thursday and I'm a little behind schedule (as has been the case since having the baby), I will join you next Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Ha! I'm waiting for "FRANTIC FRIDAY!!!!