Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ten Things Tuesday

Ten Things I Was Definitely Prepared for in Mommyhood

1. Diapers - honestly, I babysat A LOT from about age 10 on (thanks cousin Patty)
2. Playtime
3. Sleep deprivation - it really is true what they say; pregnancy totally prepared me for this
4. Singing songs
5. Birth - I studied constantly during my 3rd trimester; I was totally ready for a natural childbirth
6. Cuddling
7. Breastfeeding - this time I mean the act, not the time involved
8. Slobbery kisses
9. Sweet baby smell
10. Having a son - he's all boy for sure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lori....My answer to your ten things with a look down the road.
1. newly sprouting facial/leg hair
2. computer games
3. they don't sleep-too many computer games!
4.singing songs with cracking voice
5.sex ed-don't care how much you prepare, they always know more than you.
6. Hugs...only stronger!
7.constant question....What's for supper Mom.
8. Prickly kisses-need to shave the newly sprouting facial hair.
9. Nasty sweaty smell
10. Having a son whose all boy!!