Saturday, October 18, 2008

E.L.E.V.E.N., months that is

E nergetic. Every day you are doing something new, curiously exploring your world. Like yesterday, you practiced throwing a ball and playing hide-and-seek with Mommy and Daddy. What a wonder the world is!

L oving. You come up to me often, hug my legs, play with my hair. You hug my neck tight when you get really excited and affectionate! You are very loving, very cuddly.

E ffervescent. Your enthusiasm and joyful spirit are evident when you clap your hands excitedly as you walk proudly, giggling all the way. You are such a happy baby!

V oracious. You eat heartily. I just love how quiet you get as you intently feed yourself. You are so much like your momma in your eagerness for food!!!

E lated. You wake up talking and singing. You smile often, and bring us smiles often too. My joy has increased because of your joy.

N eighborly. You are sociable, and really like playing with other kids. You especially love the ladies!

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