Tuesday, October 14, 2008


There are reunions that we look forward to: family reunions, being reunited with our spouse after a long workday or travel, even reuniting with my pillow every night is something I look forward to (especially now that I get a good stretch of uninterrupted sleep!).

And then there's the one most people do not look forward to - their high school reunion. Mine was this past weekend, and I chose, for various reasons, not to attend.

According to answers.com, reunite means, quite simply, "to bring or come together again." I linger on the word "again." With the exception of curiosity in general, why would we want to come together again? A very wise friend of mine, Kay, says that people are brought into our lives for a specific purpose, and when that purpose has been fulfilled, they go. I firmly believe that. The people I knew in high school that I have not been in contact with since, were in my life at that time for a purpose, and now that they are not, I believe that's the way it was meant to be. Why go to a reunion and make empty promises and exchange emails and phone numbers with absolutely no intention of following through? I'm a very sentimental person. I do not like empty promises, even if it's something as simple as, "I'll call you" or "We should get together!" I am the kind of person who means that when I say it. If I don't say it, then I won't call you. So, these are the things I thought about when deciding whether or not to attend my reunion. Now that it's over, I'm very happy with my decision and have no regrets about staying at home with my family and with the people who are in my life now.

For it was with purpose. :)

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