Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mur Crispmas an Happy Nu Yer

What fun we've had this year on Kameen's officially second, but to us, his first Christmas. It all started when I bought a little tree for our house, which we had on the market at the time. I didn't buy a big tree because we were trying to maximize our space for showings. Ah, the joys of selling. So, we set the tree on the hearth and decorated it with all the ornaments we received last year when Kameen was just 5 weeks old. There was no tree last year, and I don't have to justify that to anyone! Kameen loved the tree! It was just his size. He would walk up to it every morning and talk to it. There was one ornament that he just couldn't stop from taking off the tree everyday, which was fine because it was a stuffed snowman. He also took to adding some of his own decorations.

Christmas was somewhat stunted this year by the fact that our house went under contract just one week before Christmas and we were on the hunt for our next house. We were still able to attend a couple of parties and outings. First we went to the Trail of Lights! Kameen was mesmerized by it all.

Then, Chris and I managed to attend, not one but TWO, holiday parties, sans Kameen. We had a nice time at both, and I'm pretty sure we packed on a couple of pounds while we were at it. :)

In the end, Santa was able to stop by and deliver a few fun presents just for Kameen. When we woke Christmas morning, he was so intrigued by what he found under the tree! It wasn't much, but he still had a grand time tearing the wrapping paper. I somehow managed to make a full Christmas dinner, complete with brown sugar & vanilla glazed ham, sweet potato casserole, cornbread dressing, egg custard pie, and pecan pie. My mom brought the twice-baked potatoes and strawberry pretzel salad. Oh and I also made a cranberry upside-down cake with cognac cream for breakfast. It was all very delicious. Stay tuned for my favorite recipes that I made this year. Just because Christmas has past doesn't mean we can't still enjoy a little more holiday fare!

Kameen loved visiting with Grandmama and Grandpapa. He opened all his presents and then played and played. There were books and a table and chairs that was just his size and a singing bus! He is having a grand time still with all his new toys.

On another front, we have a contract on another home. We are excited about moving (sort of). For me it is bittersweet. I know we have outgrown our home, but I will miss it so much. There's still so much about it that I love. I know I will cry when the day comes to hand over the key (January 19th is our closing day!). I hate that I am so sentimental because I have such a hard time with change. Chris and I put so much time and effort into making this house unique, and it was our first home, it's just so sad to see it gone. But, I know we'll move on to bigger and better things. New memories, new paint, and new babies (someday). It kinda all makes sense to start out the new year with a new home! Fun times. :)


laura said...

Congrats on selling your home and finding a new house. Sounds like 2009 has started out with big adventures! -Laura

Sara said...

I will miss you house too - you guys did such a wonderful job on it! It will be a fun new adventure in your new house. You'll make great new memories there. I hope you are moving closer to me!

Anonymous said...

Awww....I remember when we moved off of Holland....I cried too Lori! I remember vacuuming for the last time before we left so it would be clean for the buyers and just boo-hooing! You WILL make your new place home as well and will have just as much fun doing it!! Congrats! Post pics of the house!!!