Thursday, May 21, 2009

Remodels and Remixes

We have been busy, busy, busy remodeling our master bathroom with a walk-in shower, gearing up for a remodel on our kitchen, growing a garden. Yes, we are crazy. Kameen is such a trooper, and he is always willing and ready to "help." He measures, hammers, drills, and uses the screwdriver on anything and everything he can find! He is a real handy little man. And while our lives at home are still in flux, we found the time this month to go visit our family for a weekend, which, despite the COLD RAIN (in May!) was quite a treat. So, without further ado, here are pics of the last few weeks around the Smith household. Enjoy!

Before, we had a huge sitting area in our master bedroom. It was really too much.

Now, we still have a sitting area, but we also have a giant walk-in shower!

Before, we had a tiny shower room, with an extremely gross prefab shower/tub combo.

Now, we have a very stylish, walk-in shower, with two showerheads! That's plenty of space for me and the hubby!

We had lots of fun with our cousins in D-town.

Cousin Andy turned 6! We celebrated with a campout.

Kameen had a great visit with Ms. Willa. They are 9 days apart, and they liked practicing kissing during our playdate. Too cute!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I am so very jealous of your huge shower! It looks great! And I can't believe Andy is 6 already - crazy!