Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Sweet Pea!

Boy, oh boy, you are TWO!  I can't believe how you've grown and changed over the past 2 years.  You are talking more and more each day, and it is so cool to hear all that you have to say.  This year we gave you a workbench and tools, a bike, a puzzle, a movie, and some new shoes.  Meemaw and Papaw gave you a train set and a new book. You love it all! You are such a busy bee, as always. You are still very opinionated and demanding, but I think we've finally gotten used to it. You know all your colors and shapes, and you're starting to count as well. We are expecting a baby sister soon, and you talk often about the baby in Mama's belly. We think you'll like her when she arrives. We love you so much, and can't wait to see what the coming year holds. Here are some pictures of how much you've grown!

Just a few minutes old

One year old!

On your second birthday

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