Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The holiday season is in full swing, and I am very excited about Christmas this year.  Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year - music, decorating, food, cold weather, and the birthday celebration of our King! What's not to love?  I definitely had a lull in my Christmas enthusiasm between the time I left my parents' house (and got married) and when I became a parent.  That's a 5 year lull!  But, now that I'm a mommy and get to start my own family traditions for Christmas, I'm more excited than ever.  Last year, I was unable to decorate my house because we were in the middle of trying to sell it, and our realtor asked that we keep it simple. The year before, Kameen was just a month old and....well, enough said.  So, this is the first year after becoming a parent that I feel like we can really get into the spirit of Christmas and make the most of it.  We've decked our halls, we will be reading our Christmas story books, we've bought a few gifts, our travel arrangements are made to spend time with family, and our ears are full of the music of the season.  We are CELEBRATING!

This is Kameen last year at Christmas

Here he is this year!

Decorating fun!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I love the flashback photo comparison - he's such a big boy now!I enjoy the holidays so much more now as a parent too!