Monday, February 8, 2010

Winter Illness

So, be careful what you wish for.  We had a little warm snap (as opposed to a cold one) a couple of weeks ago.  It got up to around 80 degrees for a whole week.  Everyone loved it...but me.  I wanted the cold back. So, I prayed that the Lord would send the cold back our way.  Boy did He!  Not only did the temperature drop, I actually GOT a cold.  Amongst other things involving the pregnancy, it's been a rough 3 weeks.  Now, Kameen is sick with a cold.  So, the last few days we've been home sick.  How have we been keeping busy, you ask?  He has watched a lot of TV, which makes me feel like the world's laziest mom.  Other than the aforementioned TV marathon, we have been painting, coloring, reading, and building things.  It's been really rainy or we would have played outside a bit, even with the illness, because I believe that fresh air is healing.  Hopefully, it will at least be less rainy for a couple of days this week so we can breath some fresh air...and cough because of it. But, to everything there is a season, and purpose.  Therefore, I will not complain.  Oh yes, we did manage to take him for his first bowling experience before his illness really hit.  He did great for about 6 turns (out of 10), but then he was pretty much done.

This didn't last long

Perfect day for the slow cooker

He really loves his watercolor books


Bowling fun!

He actually out-bowled Mom and Dad on his first try!

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