Friday, March 19, 2010

But, How Do We Get to the ZOO?!?

So, we went to Wal-Mart, and Kameen got to pick out a couple of toys. He chose an elephant and a lion. The whole day he carried them around and talked about the sounds they make. I told him we would have to take him to the zoo to see a real elephant and lion. Well, that was about 3 weeks ago, and every since then the question of the day is "But, how do we get to the zoo?"  Austin has an animal sanctuary (a rescue zoo), but I was hesitant to take him there because, although they have a few of the big animals, it's definitely not like a real zoo.  However, I had grown weary of the question of the day being posed about 50 times a day, so I decided that since it was Spring Break and I would have help from my mom and the weather is GREAT right now, that I should go ahead and take him to the Austin Zoo.

Well, he had a great time. First, he chased the peacocks and the guineas. He crowed with a rooster, saw the monkeys, lions, tigers, and bears, and fed the goats. We rode the train at the end, but we were there much longer than I anticipated. And, still, on the way home, he says, "But, where were the hippos and giraffes?"  I laughed and told him we'd have to take him to the BIG zoo after baby sister comes.  Now the question of the day is "But, how do we get to the BIG zoo?!?" Ah well, I tried.


Sara said...

Haha - his question cracks me up! That's so funny that you guys went this week - Leili and I went today with my mom!

Amy said...

We took Willa there right before Heloise was born and she crowed with the rooster,too! We all went to the Houston Zoo last week and it was a BLAST!

Unknown said...

Lori Jean....You are ABSOLUTELY beautiful! Hurry up baby girl!