Friday, June 18, 2010

Hands! Toys! Dresses! Oh my!

Ava has reached some new milestones recently. It's all going by so fast, and makes my heart happy and sad all at the same time. If anyone could have told me how much I'd love having two (despite the utter angst and stress I feel many days) I wouldn't have believed them. But, I truly am enjoying my kiddos even more now that there's two.

First, Ava has found her hands, and realizes how fascinating they are. She loves sucking and chewing on the them, and especially both hands at one time!

Secondly, she has discovered toys and how to hold them, talk to them, and hit at them! I am so proud of her!

Thirdly, I have discovered how much fun it is to have a little girl! DRESSES!!!

1 comment:

Amy Kilpatrick said...

Ah, yes! The dresses! She is so adorable!