Thursday, April 24, 2008

Finding my groove (a small mission statement)

I started this blog to keep up with all the little, and big, things Kameen is doing, and to tell about all the ways he lights up my world. I also started it to get myself writing regularly again. It has worked, and in the course of searching out other blogs and websites based on my beliefs on natural childbirth and my practice of attachment parenting (which is really just intuitive parenting), I have realized that I do indeed have a voice and a passion that I must make known.

However, I do not just want to regurgitate what other self-proclaimed crunchy domestic diva moms are saying (and what they are saying is wonderful and valid). So, I will try to keep it interesting. And, in doing so, I may actually take a more opinionated approach to my soapbox posts. This is, for those who know me well, my personality after all. I have been labeled a loud-mouth and bossy boots for as long as I can remember. And, rather than let it be a scarlet letter, I would like to make it a shining characteristic and the thing that drives me to make changes in this world. So, if what I say offends anyone or conflicts with your line of thinking, I am more than willing to have a healthy debate. However, I am not here to please everyone but rather to find my groove and use it to boogie on down the road of life.

And of course, I'll continue to make plenty of fun, funny posts about Kameen - my silly, gigglebox, pumpkin, sweet pea, love bug, blessing of a son. :)


Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

I think it is so good and important to have a mission statement. Sometimes it's hard to find your blogging identity. I struggle with it all the time!

Hey - I didn't realize you were in AUSTIN. You know I live very close to you, right? Did you know there is a yahoo group for cloth diapering moms in Austin? And also two chapters of API (I think)?

Anonymous said...

I like your statement under your title - I am trying and learning to be more flexible too.

Unknown said...

I think you're a big dork! But I think that about everyone who blogs. . .as I obsessively read their blogs. Does that make me a hypocrite? I hope you say something REALLY offensive.