Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mr. Toofy

That's right folks. At almost exactly 5 months, Kameen's first tooth began to make its appearance. We are so proud of him for growing a tooth! It was Thursday morning (4/17), the day before his 5-month mark, and I noticed a bit of red on his lip. I looked to see if his lip was bleeding, perhaps from a toy? Lo and behold I see the tiny slit where the tooth had begun to erupt. By the next morning I could actually feel the tooth itself! Now, we can see the tooth. So, here is a picture of the toofy discovery. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aaawwww yes! You will have many milestones to come my sweet cousin. I too have reached a new milestone with my 3. We have made our LAST ortho payment ever!!!!!
Can you rejoice with me??? You are just beginning and I have finally reached the end in the toofy area at least. I am just trying to encourage you Lori. Give you something to look forward to.