Tuesday, April 22, 2008


At first, you suckle quickly, voraciously.
I stare endlessly.
Then, warm milk comes generously.

The dim light caresses your face, silhouetting your profile as you take long drawing sucks, swallowing, swallowing, swallowing.

Our eyes grow heavy.
Your curious hand reaches tenderly, grasping my nose, my lips,
patting my chest.
Your busy body slows as sleep overtakes you.

Your tongue flutters. You are pulled deeper into dreamland.
My heartbeat is familiar, my breathing soothes you,
my smell comforts you.

It is your favorite place. Mine too.
You are perfectly nourished, perfectly satisfied, perfectly growing.


Unknown said...

That made me weep! Sweetness!

Anonymous said...

Sweet...yes! wait till he discovers he has that new tooth and your ever satisfying breast makes a good teether!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

*sniff sniff*

That is lovely. Such a lovely way to capture such a precious (and fleeting!) time with words. Beautiful.