Sunday, April 20, 2008

What happened to my brain...and my hair?!

Pregnancy and mommyhood has siphoned my brain power and stolen my hair. Oh, I'm still a very intelligent woman with plenty of strands left, don't get me wrong. But now, I'm so spacey! I have conversations with people and have 48,000 things going through my head so that I forget to say what I meant to say or even respond for that matter! It's an awful feeling to later in the day, usually right before I fall asleep, think of how I didn't respond or say something or do something that I meant to for someone.

And, would someone please warn all pregnant women of the incredible hair loss they will experience about 3-4 months postpartum. I feel like I should get up every morning and vacuum my bed! And, poor Kameen and Chris, they walk (or roll, depending on who we're talking about) around with red hair stuck in odd places (I'll leave that one to the imagination). :)

It's getting a bit better it seems. I can now hold a conversation without feeling completely drained afterward. I can also pay attention to things other than when was the last time Kameen pooped or nursed. But still, I feel that my IQ is slightly lower and my once gorgeous hair thinner now that I'm a mommy. What's going to become of me when the next child arrives? I'm not sure I have enough hair for the number of kids we plan to have. It's a cruel, cruel world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute post. The hair thing is good to know - I forsee me going bald in a few months then considering my hair is already thin - boo!