Monday, May 4, 2009

Measuring Success

Proverbs 31:28
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.

How do we measure the success of our mothering? How will we know we are doing for our children what is right, true, and according to God’s plan? When I was in 11th grade, my English teacher taught all the boys in the class to stand when a lady entered the room or when a lady stood. This classic etiquette rule that was widely observed in the 19th century along with opening doors and offering a seat to a lady, is unfortunately long gone due to movements such as Women’s Lib. But, the idea behind it is not so different from what the Bible says about how children should treat the lady of the house. One translation reads, “Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her.”

So, are we to expect our children to stand every time we enter a room? Certainly it doesn’t hurt to teach our sons such respect of a woman. But, this verse seems to be speaking more into the future. The Proverbs 31 woman does so much for her family day in and day out, and she does it graciously, as we can see in the verses that precede this one. In that time, we don’t see or hear from her children, but we know they’re there and that she serves them well. Now, fast forward 20 or 30 years, and we see the product of her diligence and loving attitude. Her children have grown up (“rise up”) and their lives have become a reflection of her success as a mother, and in their success she is blessed. I imagine an 80th birthday party where all her friends and family have gathered and her children each make a statement about what their mom means to them. Her husband too. And, this mother beams with pride that her children love the Lord and are successful members of society.

It’s easy to get bogged down in the day to day troubles that being a mother brings. It’s easy to feel like a failure when our children throw tantrums in public, get in trouble at school, or wake us with fever and chills on Mother’s Day instead of French toast and coffee. But, if we are following the instruction of God’s Word and pointing our children to Him daily in our actions and in our servant hood, we can be assured that one day our children will also rise up and bless us through their lives.

Prayer: Lord, help me remember today that even though I may not always feel like a successful mother, your Word promises blessings through my children’s lives if I will keep striving to be the mother You have called me to be. Help me remember that it is through You that I have the strength to lead my children on a path that is holy and pleasing to You. Thank you for your grace and mercy, and thank you for being the best parenting example of all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You bless my heart! From a young momma to an older one, you have good insight into life lessons and it is refreshing to see you "aware" of Gods presence even through the daily grind.
You have a gift sweet cuz and it would be a good thing to share it.
Teach a womens class at church,have a bible study for busy moms,write a book????
Love you 3!