Friday, January 15, 2010

Good Housekeeping

Life around here is moving fast and furious. We have 10 weeks to go until we welcome our baby girl into the world!  We have several loose ends to finish up in the house before all of our projects that we started when we moved in are complete.  Currently we are finishing the half bath (which has been sinkless since June).  We are also potentially going to have our kitchen floors "fixed," to correct what hubby did in error (hey, he admits it too!).  We have a few touch-ups to do in our master bath, including finishing up a cabinet we bought to store our towels in and getting a bench put into the walk-in shower.

And then there's the kids' rooms.  We have never really gotten Kameen's room put together since we moved in almost a year ago.  We pretty much just landed in the house and kept on living.  In order to make the baby's room a baby's room, we need to make Kameen's room into a big boy room, i.e. with a big bed and new dresser (which we already have), so the baby can have the changing table.  And, the baby's room, well, it's totally put together in my head, but is completely empty and scattered in reality.  All of this overwhelms me, but I just try to take it one day at a time, have FUN with it, get done what I can, and praise God I have a home to decorate!  If anyone wants to come help or donate, please come on down and I'll pay you with yummy homecooked food!

Hanging the light in the half bath

Always our helper!

We have quite a few of these around here.
With our lil' handyman, this kind of thing gets dangerous.

Kameen's room. So sad, so boring.

New chest of drawers, and soon-to-be new baby's changing table

Our lil' princess's room.  She'll be sleeping naked on the floor I guess...

1 comment:

Sara said...

I know what you mean about house projects feeling overwhelming! We just tend to ignore them and not get anything done! Can't wait to see the finished projects!